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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'll wait for you here / I've never tried but it looks exciting
I'll wait for you here
It starts at half past two / Yes , I am , John
It starts at half past two
Another person from school . I want to win ! / I've never tried but it looks exciting
Another person from school . I want to win !
On the bus , which is quicker / I'm going to play tennis
I'm going to play tennis
Of course you can / I'll wait for you here
Of course you can
The giraffe is following the camel
The man wearing a blue jacket has stopped the traffic
The elephant is pushing the bus
It's very foggy
The panda is too tired to cross the road
We work or study five days a week and on these two days we play
a weekend
When it is dark outside you can see with this
a torch
You need to buy one of theses if you want to send a postcard
a stamp
People give one of these to their family and friends at Christmas
a present
People use one of these when it rains
an umbrella
This person can help if there is a problem with a car
a mechanic
You can put a letter inside this
an envelope
You need one of these if you want to open the door of your house
a key
You can put this in a field and sleep in it
a tent
This person writes stories for newspapers
a journalist