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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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39×62 is roughly
5x33 is roughly....
Ted's basketball coach wants the team to practice shooting free throws. There are 21 players on his team. The coach wants each player to shoot 9 free throws. Ted works out that his team will shoot 189 free throws altogether. correct?
Each week, Brad earns a $7 allowance if he does his chores. There are 52 weeks in a year. Brad works out that he will earn $214 this year if he always does his chores. Does that sound about right?
No, it's too low
7x83 is roughly...
Emma bought a new reusable water bottle that holds 18 ounces. On Monday, she drank a full bottle of water 5 times. Emma worked out that she drank 140 ounces of water on Monday. Does that sound about right?
No! It's much too high!
To decorate for a school dance, 8 students hung streamers in the gym. Each student hung 31 streamers. Liz worked out that the students hung a total of 248 streamers. Does that sound about right?
On Monday, a factory made 699 boxes of baby blankets. Each box contained 6 blankets. The manager worked out that the factory made 5,874 blankets that day. Does that sound about right?
No, that's way too high.
Ann's grandmother can make a doll dress using 19 inches of fabric. For Ann's birthday, her grandmother made her 6 new doll dresses. Ann worked out that her grandmother used 114 inches of fabric to make the dresses. Correct?