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Friends Season 2 Episode 9

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What was special about the neighbour they can see from the apartment window?
He was always naked in his apartment and they could see it.
Name the 6 main characters
Ross, Pheobe, Chandler, Joey, Monica, Rachel
What city is Friends set in?
New York
What gift did Pheobe get from Joey?
Toilet seat covers
What was wrong with the party?
It was too hot
What did Ross break?
The radiator/heater
What does Pheobe drive?
A yellow taxi
Who was the picture of Grandpa of?
Who is Pheobe looking for?
Her real father
Who is Ross' girlfriend?
What did the girls give the mailman for Christmas?
Who is Ross' sister?
"Pants on Fire" - What idiom does it come from?
Liar Liar Pants on Fire
Who does Peobe visit?
Her Grandmother
Whose father is in the picture?
What season is it?