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Reading Comprehension

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This story is mostly about how amazing Teacher Richard is, how he invented the universe, what the time is, how the writer of this text lies a lot?
How amazing Teacher Richard is
The main idea of this story is the original idea for Mount Rushmore didn’t include presidents, Presidents are western heroes, the settling of the West was not important, Kit Carson was a very famous man?
The original idea for Mount Rushmore didn’t include presidents
This story is mostly about a brand new invention, a bad idea, a car that is bad for the environment and unsafe, a car that is also a boat?
A car that is also a boat
This story is mostly about where fossils come from, dinosaurs and what they ate, some unusual dinosaur bones, what scientists know about about plants?
Some unusual dinosaur bones
This story is mostly about, who mosquitoes don’t like to bite, what attracts mosquitoes, why only female mosquitoes bite, when to play basketball?
What attracts mosquitoes
This story is mostly about, what the words “flammable” and “inflammable” mean, what the word “inflammable” means, prefixes, how to avoid catching on fire?
What the words “flammable” and “inflammable” mean
This story is mostly about different uses for beeswax, minding your own business, where the phrase “mind your own beeswax” may have come from, how people used to cover acne scars?
Where the phrase “mind your own beeswax” may have come from
This story is mostly about a way that Aztecs worshipped a god, the Mayans, what Mexico was like 600 years ago, what the Aztecs did at their temples?
A way that Aztecs worshipped a god
This story is mostly about facts about presidents, facts about the penny, what quarters are made of, where pennies are made?
Facts about the penny
This story is mostly about when Columbus set sail, why history is so confusing, when the 18th century happened, how centuries are numbered?
How centuries are numbered
This story is mostly about why you should play in the rain, the myth that getting rained on causes you to get a cold, what a virus is, how to stay warm and dry in the winter?
The myth that getting rained on causes you to get a cold
This story is mostly about ancient brain surgery, modern brain surgery, hospitals, or evil spirits?
Ancient brain surgery
This story is mostly about a car shaped like a dog, a ridiculous idea, a car that is designed for your dog, or a waste of money?
A car that is designed for your dog
This story is mostly about how much ice cream was in the biggest sundae ever made, the biggest ice cream sundae ever made, world records, or all the things they like to do in Canada?
The biggest ice cream sundae ever made
This story is mostly about when to pet a dog, how to pet a dog, what to name your dog, what a wagging tail could mean?
What a wagging tail could mean
This story is mostly about a very large freshwater fish, Thailand, grizzly bears, or the Mekong River?
A very large freshwater fish.