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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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micro (small)
microscope, microorganizm, microphone
pseudo (fake)
pseudonym, pseudoscience
hydr (water)
hydrate, hydrolic, hydrologist
spect (look)
inspect, specticles, spectator
mort (dead)
Immortal, mortal, mortician
fract (break)
refract, fracture, fraction,
form (shape)
formation, transform, reform,
contra (against)
contradict, contraversial, contrast
cent (100)
cent, century, centimeter
aqua (water)
aquarium, aquarious, aquadic
tri (3)
triangle, triplet, trident
dec (10)
decade, dodecahedran, decibel, decimal.
ist (person who does ...)
archiologist, biologist, cardiologist, machinist
fact (made)
satisfactory, manufactor, factual
avi (fly)
aviation, aviary, aviator,
graph (write)
autograph, telegraph, graphic
Root: aud (hear)
audible, audience, audiologist, auditorium, audio,
Root: tele (far)
telephone, teleport, television, telegraph, telescope, telepathy
Root: port (carry)
portable, transport, teleport, export, import, portage,
Root: ego (I, self)
egotistical, egocentric, egomaniac
Root: astro (star)
astronaut, astronomy, asteroid, asterisk, astrology
Root: rupt (burst)
Bankrupt, erupt, disrupt, interrupt
Root: act (do, drive)
Actor, action, active, react, radioactive, actress
Root: it (go)
Exit, transit, initial, initiate, transition
Root: dure (harsh, hard)
Endure, duration, durability, endurance, during
Root: stat (stand)
Statue, statement, stately, stature
Root: cult (grow)
Agriculture, cultural, cultivate, subculture,
Root: anim (mind)
Unanimous, animal, animated, reanimate, animosity
Root: sect (cut)
Bisect, intersection, sectional, insect, section,
Root: fort (strong)
Effort, fortress, fortify, discomfort, comfortable,
Root: cardio (heart)
Cardiac, cardiologist, cardio,
Root: ject (throw)
Eject, project, reject, inject, trajectory, interject, conjecture