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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many countries are in the United Kingdom?
4 Countries
In which country are the Niagara Falls located?
What is the name given to the NFL final?
Super Bowl
What was the name of Queen's band singer?
Freddie Mercury
Whats is the name of the Disney princess known as "The Little Mermaid"?
What Disney character lost his crystal shoe?
What country won the World Cup in 2010?
How long does a soccer match last?
90 minutes
Daniel Radcliffe became known worldwide for playing what character?
Harry Potter
Which character in the Tv series Sponge Bob Square Pants is very greedy and loves money?
Mr. Krab
What country gave the United States the Statue of Liberty as a gift?
What do you call a circular food from Italy?
What animals did the ancient Egyptians consider Gods?
The cats
What is the second planet from the sun?
In Greek mythology, who was the God of the ocean?
Which place is a country and a continent?
What language is spoken is Austria?
Which planet is known as the Red planet?
What is a floating mass of ice?
An iceberg
Which basketball player was in the first movie of "Space Jam"?
Michael Jordan
How many positions are there in Volleyball?
6 positions