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6th Grade Revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I ask my teacher for help, she _____ (help) me.
will help
You ____ take your mask off in public. It's a rule, and it's dangerous!
There is a serious ______ in Brazil now, because there isn't enough rain. The land is too dry.
The teacher teaches the class. / The class ___________ the teacher.
is taught by
Ms. Türk said, "I'm so excited to meet you!"
Ms. Türk said that she was so excited to meet us/them.
Combine the two sentences: I have a friend. She lives in America.
I have a friend WHO lives in America.
The classroom ______ we are in, is on the 2nd floor.
Angela _____ buy a new phone, because she already has one.
doesn't have to
Our exam is ___ Friday, ___ 11 o'clock.
on / at
I have been a fan of BTS ___ 2015.
We __________ (start) 8th grade yet.
haven't started
In Turkey, it’s a _____ to take off your shoes when you enter a house. If you don’t do this, you may get in trouble.
My grandmother _______ play the violin, but she doesn't anymore.
used to
If I see my favorite teacher, I ______________ .
will be very happy.
If summer weren't over, I ___________________ .
(any logical answer with "would")
Joseph loves broccoli. Unlike him, his little sister ______.
hates it / doesn't like broccoli.
There are no new people in my class, I know ______!
everyone OR everybody
How / do / games / often / you / video / play ?
How often do you play video games?
He doesn't have ____ water in his water bottle. It's empty!
A: _________ ? B: I woke up at 7 am this morning.
What time did you wake up this morning?
While I ______ (watch) TV, my brother _____ (come) into my room.
was watching / came