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Creative Sentences

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe this image:
A boy is riding an orange fish.
Describe this image:
An astronaut is holding planet Earth.
Describe this image:
A pirate ship is floating besides an island.
Describe this image:
The bird is cracking out of an egg.
Describe this image:
Two girls are making a sandcastle.
Describe this image:
Two boys are watching a horror movie.
Describe this image:
The avocado is working out.
Describe this image:
The chicken is doing groceries.
Describe this image:
A penguim is driving a train.
Describe this image:
The mermaid is singing.
Describe this image:
The dinosaur is inside a toy box.
Describe this image:
Santa Claus is on vacation
Describe this image:
Godzilla and King Kong are fighting
Describe this image:
The unicorn is eating a cake.
Describe this image:
The skeleton is playing the guitar.
Describe this image:
The pig is having a barbecue.
Describe this image:
The lhama is meditating.
Describe this image:
The girl and the dog are exercising.
Describe this image:
The spaceship is abducting a cow.
Describe this image:
The cat is wearing sunglasses.