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I wish / if only

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I wish I did / had done my homework yesterday.
had done
Unfortunately I'm very busy this week. I wish I would have / could have more free time
could have
This noise drives me crazy. I wish he stopped / would stop listening to music so loudly
would stop
I wish I bought / had bought that sweater yesterday. It is much more expensive today.
had bought
I wish I didn't buy / hadn't bought those shoes. I've got blisters now.
hadn't bought
I wish I hadn't lent / didn't lent him the money. He isn't going to give it back.
hadn't lent
If only he told / 'd told me everything last week
'd told
He wishes his wife stopped / would stop telling him what to do!
would stop
She wishes her husband will stop / would stop leaving dirty socks on the floor. It’s so annoying.
would stop
I wish my extended family would stop / hadn’t stopped asking me for money. They never pay back!
would stop
I can’t get in. I wish I didn’t lose / hadn’t lost my keys.
hadn't lost
Jack is always lying to me. He’s not trustworthy. If only I could / would trust him.
I’m sure he regrets to split / splitting up with Jane. She’s really great!
splitting up
My husband is always at work. I wish he would be / weren’t so busy.
If only I didn’t be / weren’t so short.
The show is terrible. I wish I stayed / ’d stayed at home.
'd stayed
Wow, you speak Spanish so beautifully. I wish I could / would speak Spanish like you.
I regret giving / to give this guy my phone number. He acts like a freak.