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Shop till you drop

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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a company that designs and sells new styles of clothes, shoes, bags, etc., especially expensive ones
designer fashion house
a shop where people go to have their hair cut and put into a particular style
hair salon
a shop that sells cut flowers and plants for inside the house
a stand in a street or market from which cut flowers are sold
Flower stall
a large shop divided into several different parts, each of which sells different things
Department STORE
sells and sometimes repairs jewellery and watches
a small shop that sells fashionable clothes, shoes, jewellery,
The quality of these items may vary from very low to extremely high and expensive, depending on the nature and location of the shop.
antique shop
large shop which sells most types of food and other goods needed in the home
a shop where you can buy medicines,
a shop in which fresh vegetables and fruit are sold
- a shop that sells newspapers and magazines
a place where stamps are sold and from
post office
a shop where butchers work
a place where bread and cakes are made and sometimes sold
a shop or website where books are sold
a table or a very small shop with an open front where books, magazines,
a place where sweets or cakes are sold
a decorative cloth made
lace shop
Shop till you drop
tushguningizcha xarid qiling