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Anne of Green Gables

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At the end of the chapter, what did Anne say about her imagination?
She won't use her imagination so much from now on.
Why did Anne say ''no'' to Gilbert?
because she was punished at school because of him. She couldn't forgive him for that.
Gilbert asked Anne to be friends. True or false?
Who helped Anne in the river?
Who suddenly appeared in a boat?
Anne's friends thought she was: lost or dead?
Why did the game in the boat go wrong?
There was a hole on the boat. Anne had to jump from the boat to a branch of a tree.
What was the game in the boat about?
Anne was a prisoner escaping from prison by boat. Her friends would meet her at the bridge.
Where did Anne and her friends play during summer?
in an old boat on a river
Why did Anne dye her hair?
She wanted to be beautiful.
What did Marilla do to solve the hair problem?
She cut Anne's hair off.
Anne didn't want to see anybody because of her hair. True or false??
What did Anne do with her hair?
She dyed her hair green.
In what season of the year is chapter 3 set?
In spring/summer
Anne thought that the bottle of medicine was ....
What was in the cake that it tasted so bad?
It was medicine.
Did Mrs. Allan like the cake?
No, she didn't.
What did Anne want to prepare for Mrs. Allan?
a cake
Marilla wanted to invite Mr. and Mrs. Allan for tea on Wednesday. True or False??
What's the name of the new vicar?
Mr. Allan