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Reported Speech - Questions

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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'Did you watch the match last night?' She asked me
She asked me if I had watched the match the previous night.
'Where does Sarah live?' He wondered
He wondered where Sarah lived.
'Has Mark arrived?' She wanted to find out
She wanted to find out if Mark had arrived.
'Why did you park your car here?' He asked me
He asked me why I had parked my car there.
'Is the water boiling?' She asked me
She asked me if the water was boiling.
'Who did you see last night?' He asked me
He asked me who I had seen the previous night.
'Will you marry me?' Mark asked Anna
Mark asked Anna if she would marry him.
'Why are you so angry?' She asked him
She asked him why he was so angry.
'Why are you asking me silly questions?' He asked her
He asked her why she was asking him silly questions.
'Have you ever been abroad?' She wanted to know
She wanted to know if I had ever been abroad.
'Where did you go last summer?' She wanted to know
She wanted to know where I had gone the previous summer.
'Are you tired?' Tim asked us
Tim asked us if we were tired.
'How long have you been learning English?' He inquired
He inquired how long I had been learning English.
'What are you doing?' He wanted to know
He wanted to know what I was doing.
'What have you done?' He asked me
He asked me what I had done.
'What are you doing tonight?' He wanted to know
He wanted to know what I was doing that night.
'What has made you so mad?' She asked John
She asked John what had made him so mad.
'Are you coming to town this week?' John asked
John asked if I was coming to town that week.
'May I sit here?' He asked
He asked if he might sit there.
'Do you love me?' He asked
He asked if I loved him.