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Business negotiation Idioms

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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poop (or other bad word) or get off the pot
to make a decision to do something or leave the option open for someone else
flip- flop
can be used as a noun or a verb. Meaning is to be indecisive between 2 options
on the same page
to understand a certain situation fully (the same as everyone else)
to be out of the loop
to be out of a group that has kept information about something
take it or leave it
used as a command, this means that you must decide now if you will accept the proposal that has been offered
to raise a red flag
a warning that there will be trouble ahead
up in the air
not yet decided
all things considered
taking all factors into consideration
up for grabs
something is available for someone else to use / do something with
sweeten the deal
to add something to an offer during a negotiation
to stand one's ground
to refuse to back down from someone's position
give and take
the process of a promise, negotiations
to drive a wedge between
To try to split a united group (or between 2 people) by introducing by introducing a topic in which they disagree on
to drive a hard bargain
to negotiate effectively (I would say that this is when someone makes a negotiation that is mostly fair but when they have to give more than they were wanting)
to draw the line in the sand
(used as an ultimatum) to specify an absolute limit in a conflict
to come to terms (with something)
to accept something that has happened (usually something bad)
(to go) back and forth
to negotiate the terms of an agreement
an offer (someone) can't refuse
a very attractive offer