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Aspects of the Future

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I can't come with you this evening. I ___________ friends over for dinner. (TO HAVE)
I AM HAVING friends over for dinner.
The train to France _________ at 2pm tomorrow. (to depart)
The train to France DEPARTS at 2pm tomorrow.
Where I will be on Saturday morning? As you know, I ___________. (to work)
I WILL BE WORKING. (future continuous)
It is getting cold. I ____________ the window. (to close)
I WILL CLOSE the window.
The phone is ringing. I ____________ it. (to answer)
You have decided to watch TV in the evening. You _________ TV. (to watch)
You ARE GOING to watch TV.
You have a flight booked for 5pm tomorrow. The airplane ________ at 5pm. (to take off)
The airplane TAKES OFF at 5pm.
You have a flight booked for 5pm tomorrow. The airplane ________ at 5pm. (to take off)
The airplane TAKES OFF at 5pm.
You have a flight booked for 5pm tomorrow. You __________ tomorrow. (to fly)
You ARE FLYING tomorrow.