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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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technical devices
s's answers
everyday problems
s's answers
underwater animals
s's answers
s's answers
types of transport
s's answers
s's answers
s's answers
s's answers
family members
s's answers
school subjects
s's answers
s's answers
weather conditions
s's answers
places to visit
s's answers
endangered animals
s's answers
types of books
s's answers
sweet fruit
s's answers
s's answers
excuses for being late
s's answers
life events
s's answers
types of shops
s's answers
board games
s's answers
s's answers
social problems
s's answers
parts of the body
s's answers
leisure activities
s's answers
types of music
s's answers
s's answers
summer clothes
s's answers
items in a bathroom
s's answers
winter sports
s's answers
s's answers
s's answers
green vegetables
s's answers
s's answers
musical instruments
s's answers
buildings in a town
s's answers
TV programmes
s's answers
free time activities
s's answers
vegetarian meals
s's answers
plastic containers
s's answers
family members
s's answers
natural disasters
s's answers
health problems
s's answers
everyday activities
s's answers
s's answers
wild animals
s's answers
geographical features
s's answers
days of the week
s's answers
positive adjectives
s's answers
types of films
s's answers
negative adjectives
s's answers
red fruits
s's answers
months of the year
s's answers
domestic animals
s's answers
yellow vegetables
s's answers
places in town
s's answers