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How did Nancy react when Fagin hit Oliver?
She defended him. He told Fagin to leave the boy alone.
What was Oliver supposed to do to help Mr Brownlow? What happened?
He had to take some books back to the bookseller and pay him. But Sikes and Nancy kidnapped him instead.
How would you describe the old man who took Oliver in?
your own answer.
What was Fagin's planned to get Oliver back?
He had Nancy look for him. She pretended she was his older sister and Sikes hit him in the head so he wouldn't run away.
How did Fagin react when he heard Oliver had left with the old man? Why?
He was angry because he thought Oliver could tell the old man about what Fagin did and he would be hanged for that.
Who is Mr Brownlow?
He is the old man that took Oliver in and helped him.
What happened when Oliver went out with Dodger and Charley?
The two boys stole a handkerchief from a old man. He thought it had been Oliver. The boy ran away and the bookseller told the old man he hadn't done it.
Who is Nancy?
A young woman who works for Fagin.
What was the "game" Fagin and the boys played?
Fagin taught the boys how to steal from people's pockets. He would put handkerchiefs and other things in his pockets and the kids would take them.
What did Fagin had the kids do?
Fagin had the kids steal things, such as silk handkerchiefs and wallets, from people on the street.
Can you describe Fagin?
Fagin was an old man, he had a beard and his face was ugly and wrinkled. He was dirty and had long red hair. He was really violent. 
Where did Dodger take Oliver? How was that place like?
He took Oliver to Fagin's place in London. It was very dark and the conditions were bad, dirty.
Who did Oliver meet in Barnet?
He met the Artful Dodger.
How did Oliver plan to get to London? What happened before he got there?
He walked for 7 days before he reached Barnet, a town near London.
Why did Oliver run away from the workhouse?
Because he was afraid he would die if he stayed.
What did the beadle want to do with Oliver?
Sell him to a master as an apprentice.
Why did Oliver have to leave the workhouse?
He asked for another bowl of gruel.
Who thought the name Oliver Twist and why?
Mr Bumble because he gave names to boys in alphabetical order.
What were workhouses?
They were places to house the poor, including orphans