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Past tense Irregular verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ................. (go) shopping with my mum two days ago.
a)went b) did c)took
She___ (run) in the park with her friends.
a)run b)ran c)read
My mother___(buy) four apples.
a)built b)bought c)buy
She___(sing) a song for mother's day.
a)saw b)sold c)sang
I___(read) 2 books last week.
a)read b) ate c) rode
Alex______ (write) a book.
a)saw b)wrote c)made
I ____ (see) your brother.
a)sat b)sang c)saw
Mike _________(catch) the ball at the baseball court.
a)caught b)bought c)taught
We _______(make) cookies yesterday.
a)wrote b)saw c)made
I ________(take) a hot shower last night.
a) took b)taught c)thought
My mom _______(come) home early yesterday.
a)cut b)caught c)came
We _______(drink) coffee in the morning .
a) started b) took c) drank
Liz ______(do) her homework last Sunday.
a)did b)ate c)sent
We _____(eat) noodles yesterday.
a) ate b) eaten c) was
I ______(go) to the movies yesterday.
a) was b)went c)were