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English File Pre-Intermediate Revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell a colleague about your education and previous jobs.
Recommend a product you like to a colleague and say why it's good.
Call a client to confirm a delivery. He/She isn't in their office.
You are visiting another company. Ask your host 5 questions about his/her department.
Tell a friend about your company's present projects.
You have a visitor today. Welcome him/her in reception.
Introduce yourself to a partner and tell them something about yourself.
Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of looking for a job online.
Tell a customer why your company is better than your competitors.
A friend is opening a new restauran. Give him/her ideas for advertising his/her business.
Phone a supplier of printer paper to enquire about prices and delivery, and place an order.
Arrange to meet a customer for dinner one evening next week.
Talk about the disadvantages of air travel or describe a bad flying experience you have had.
A customer calls to complain about a mistake you made. Deal with the complaint.
Tell a new colleague about the rules and regulations for employees in your company.
Describe 5 things your company does or could do to protect the environment.
A colleague from a sister company is staying for the weekend. Invite him/her to do 3 things in your town.
You meet someone at a conference. Ask 4 questions beginning with 'How long...?'.
Talk about your company's recent performance and trends in the market.
Suggest to your boss ways for your company to improve the quality of its products or services.
You'd like to work at home on certain days to improve your productivity. Negotiate the conditions with your boss.
Your boss says you need to manage your time better. Suggest ways of doing this.
Say how you think your company will be different 20 years from now.