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Gold pre-first Unit 1 review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I didn't get __________ texts today. Not one. [ some ] [ much ] [ little ] [ any ]
I'm ________ on joining a new social networking site. [ enthusiastic ] [ keen ] [ eager ] [ excited ]
I usually look ______ new words online. [ over ] [ up ] [ in ] [ on ]
The traffic was very ______ so I was late for my computer class. [ thick ] [ hard ] [ full ] [ heavy ]
I got an email from my English friend yesterday but it was very _______. [ small ] [ low ] [ short ] [ little ]
This mobile ___________ to samantha. [ is belonging ] [ belongs ]
What _____________ of the internet? [ are you thinking ] [ do you think ]
do you think
Something _________ delicious. [ is smelling ] [ smells ]
Emma __________ every summer with her grandparents. [ spends ] [ is spending ]
This week I __________ at my cousin's house. [ stay ] [ am staying ]
am staying
My brother ________ seafood ever. [ isn't eating ] [ doesn't eat ]
doesn't eat
What __________ this evening? [ do you do ] [ are you doing ]
are you doing
ORDER THE WORDS - always to face It's good to face talk
It's always good to talk face to face.
ORDER THE WORDS - but they still They're keep in divorced touch
They're divorced but they still keep in touch.
ORDER THE WORDS - family her lost with touch She's extended
She's lost touch with her extended family
ORDER THE WORDS - It's only to an be hard child
It's hard to be an only child.
ORDER THE WORDS - law you met daughter have in my
Have you met my daughter-in-law?
ORDER THE WORDS - of touch technology out with modern They're
They're out of touch with modern technology
ORDER THE WORDS - of touch technology out with modern
Out of touch with modern technology
What's the meaning - ONLY CHILD - [ someone with no brothers or sisters ] [ a child left alone ]
someone with no brothers or sisters
What's the meaning - ANCESTORS - [ family that includes parents, children ] [ members of your family who lived a long time ago ]
members of your family who lived a long time ago
What's the meaning - DAUGHTER IN LAW - [ connected by family ] [ your son's wife ]
your son's wife
What's the meaning - DIVORCED - [ your son's wife ] [ no longer married ]
no longer married
What's the meaning - EXTENDED FAMILY - [ family that includes parents, children and other family members ] [ your son's wife ]
family that includes parents, children and other family members
What's the meaning - RELATED TO - [ members of family from long ago ] [ connected by family ]
connected by family
My grandad is completely ________ of touch with what's going on today. [ get ] [ face ] [ out ] [ keep ] [ go ] [ lost ]
There's even one girl I __________ touch with more than ten years ago. [ get ] [ face ] [ out ] [ keep ] [ go ] [ lost ]
When you see each other _________ to _________ there are sometimes arguments. [ get ] [ face ] [ out ] [ keep ] [ go ] [ lost ]
face - face
I like to _______ in touch with other people with the same name. [ get ] [ face ] [ out ] [ keep ] [ go ] [ lost ]
Several of us _______ online to chat every morning. [ get ] [ face ] [ out ] [ keep ] [ go ] [ lost ]
This way, we can ______ in touch with our family [ get ] [ face ] [ out ] [ keep ] [ go ] [ lost ]