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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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After four years, I will ________________________ to start my job as a scientist. (school)
leave school
We used to live in Nha Trang, but my parents ______________________ in Ho Chi Minh last year. (house)
bought a house
Children in my country don't ___________________ until they are 5 years old. (school)
start school
My brother __________________ home to go to university last year.
My girlfriend wants to ________________ on the beach in Bali. (married)
get married
I can't come over on Saturday. I ______________ and Saturday is my first day. (job)
got a job
Chris _____________ as a teacher at VUS. (work)
I want to _________ four ____________ . Two boys and two girls. (children)
have children
Do I have to ______________________ for a long time to be a surgeon?(university)
go to university
Is it dangerous to _____________________ fireman? (train)
train to be a
I will be able to earn money once I ________________. (job)
get a job
When I _________________ a car, I can go anywhere I want. (drive)
learn to drive
My parents ______________________ to each other after they fell in love. (married)
got married
My father ___________________ in 1975. (born)
was born