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Blended Consonants

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the starting combination?
s-l-sl. slime
What's the starting combination?
p-l-pl. please
What's the starting combination?
s-p-sp. spider
What's the starting combination?
f-r-fr. France
What's the starting combination?
s-h-sh. shower
What's the starting combination?
b-r-br. Brazil
What's the starting combination?
s-t-st. steak
What's the starting combination?
c-l-cl. close
What's the starting combination?
c-r-cr. crayon
What's the starting combination?
s-w-sw. swim
What's the starting combination?
s-m-sm. smoke
What's the starting combination?
s-n-sn. snowman
What's the starting combination?
p-r-pr. Princess
What's the starting combination?
t-h-th. Thirteen
What's the starting combination?
g-l-gl. glass
What's the starting combination?
g-r-gr. green
What's the starting combination?
t-w-tw. twelve
What's the starting combination?
c-h-ch. chop
What's the starting combination?
t-r-tr. tree
What's the starting combination?
d-r- dr. draw
What's the starting combination?
s-k -sk. skate
What's the starting combination?
b-l - bl. blue