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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We'd better to hurry up or we'll be late for the concert
We'd better hurry up ...
He pretended being ill in order to stay at home
to be
I’ve called you invite / to invite / inviting you to the party I’m having this Friday.
to invite
He told me the film was worth watch / to watch / watching .
They persuaded us to attend / attending / attend the meeting
to attend
He doesn’t seem understand / to understand / understanding what has just happened.
He doesn't seem to understand
They're used to speak in public. They are in charge of HR department
They're used to speaking ____
I phoned the station for asking about departure times.
I phoned the company to ask ____
The trip was a good opportunity practising your English
___ opportunity to practise ____
It's no use to explain - you never listen anyway!
It's no use explaining ____
My boss is very understanding. She always lets me to take time off when I need to.
______ She always lets me take _____
I avoid to drink coffee late at night as it keeps me awake.
I avoid drinking ____
I’d rather to try something and fail than not do it at all.
I'd rather try ____
Think of ideas is easy. The difficult part is making them work
Thinking _____
If you want to get on, it’s important keeping your emotions in check at work.
_____ it's important to keep _____
He tends talking too much in meetings. Nobody else gets a chance to say anything!
He tends to talk _____
You’d better to go to bed early if you’ve got an exam tomorrow.
You'd better go ____
What time are you arriving? We’re all really looking forward to see you.
____ looking forward to seeing ___