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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm going to buy a * things at the supermarket. See you later.
Q: Do you have * advice to help me learn English fast? A: Sure, you have to read *, learn * of new words and write every day.
some / lots or heaps / lots or heaps
Q: How * English do I need to study nursing? A: *! You need to get Certificate IV or do REALLY well on VCE.
much / heaps or lots
Q: How * weeks are there in a term?
Q: How * EAL teachers are there at Chisholm? A: There are *!
lots or heaps
Q: Is there * big test at the end of this course? A: No, there are a * assessments during the course and they have a * different parts.
any / few / few
Q: Excuse me, where can I get * help? A: You can call student services. They can help you with * of things.
some / lots
If you do a * of study after class, you will remember * and you will improve * too!
lot / lots (or heaps) / lots ( or heaps)
If you don't do * study after class, you won't remember * and you won't improve * either.
any / much / much
When we came to Melbourne, we didn't have * family here, but we made a * friends in our street.
any / few
There are * of jobs in Aged Care, but * people can't stand the thought of working with the elderly.
lots / some
I don't want to do just * job. I want a job where I can earn * of money!
any / lots
I need a job so *. I would be happy to do * job at all!
much / any
We can't make * progress because there are too * people involved in our project.
any / many
We've been working really hard on our project, so there's not * left to do
Q: How * glasses of water do you drink each day? A: Actually, I don't drink * water, only one or two glasses.
many / much
Q: How * good ideas have you had this week? A: Not a *.
many  / lot
How * does it cost to go by train to the city?
I don't have * friends, but the ones I have are very special.
I need to buy * underwear, but I don't want to pay *.
some / much
Q: Are there * public toilets around here? A: Yes, I think there are * over there.
any / some
Sometimes it takes a * years to get used to a new country.
How * kilometres is it from Dandenong to Bendigo?
I don't have * money left at all. How * do you have left?
any / much