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5-Second Challenge

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In Genesis, what did God created on Day 1, 2, & 3?
1. light 2. sky 3. dry land, seas, plants and trees
What are the 3 things you always carry in your handbag every day? (Pre-pandemic)
Depends... Phone, Wallet, Keys etc.
Give 3 colored drinks.
Soda, Coffee, Tea, Juice, Wine, Beer
Show & tell us 3 ways to say " Hello " (in any language)
Mabuhay, Hello, Bonjour, Annyeonghaseyo etc.
Give 3 ways to protect yourself (& others) from spreading/getting Covid19.
Drink Vitamins, Stay Home, Vaccine, Face Mask, Face Shield, Wash Hands, Shower etc.
Give 3 body parts that start with letter " S " (English / Tagalog)
Sakong, Siko, Shoulder, Stomach, Sinus
Tell us your 3 life/favorite verses.
Depends... etc.
Name your top 3 most used phone applications.
Depends.... Lazada, Zoom, Messenger, Facebook, Calendar, Messages, Etc.
Give 3 thing you do before going to bed.
Depends.... Shower, Brush, Pray etc.
Name 3 food items that you do not like/eat
Depends.... Okra, Onion, Etc.
Name 5 sisters from our group - God's Victorious Ladies.
Elen, Ava, Leli, Deby, Kyla, Denice, Hanah, Marj, Blanche, Cathy, Ghie, Jane, Mariz, Sas, Mary Lhei, Kaye, Iya, Jean, Cristi, Veatrixe
Give 3 Social Media Platforms.
Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok
The Philippines received 4 medals in the recent Tokyo Olympics. Name 3 Filipino Medalists.
Nesthy Petecio, Hidilyn Diaz, Eumir Marcial, Carlo Paalam
Name 3 animals that start with a letter “D”
Deer, Dog, Dolphin, Duck etc.
Give the first 3 chapters of ONE2ONE.
Salvation, Lordship, Repentance
Give 3 books from the Old Testament that start with the letter " J ".
Joshua, Judges, Jeremiah, Joel, Job, Jonah