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Reading Comprehension -Myths

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Describe the picture:
This is a replica of a fossil.
Describe the picture:
This is a cast of a fossil.
Describe the picture:
This is a mold of a fossil.
Describe the picture:
Those are impressions of plants.
Describe the picture.
Animal in amber. The amber is created by trees' resin and some animals get fossilized when it dries and becomes amber.
What are these?
How did the Great Spirit create the oceans, lakes, and rivers?
He began to cry. His tears created the oceans, lakes, and rivers.
What did Great Spirit ask the animals to bring him from undewater?
Bring me some mud.
How do scientists classify fossils?
Body Fossils and Trace Fossils.
What can paleontologists learn about fossils?
They can figure out how big an animal or plant was; they can get an idea of the shape and weight. They can guess what it atte and how it moved.
How did Coyote-People-Moon call the new Earth?
He called it The Land of the Blessed People.
What were the colors of the new world created by Coyote-People-Moon?
Yellow - red - black - white
What did Great Spirit need to create the new world?
He needed mud to create the new world.
Describe body fossils.
They can be parts such as shells, teeth, and bones.
What was the first animal that survived the old World in the story "And he sang"?
The crow.
What language did Coyote-People-Moon? give to the Shamans?
The Kiliwa language.
What was the name of the two Mountains created by Coyote-People-Moon?
Mountain of Man and Mountain of the Shamans.
How did the Great Spirit feel when he created the new World?
He was very happy.
Describe Trace Fossils.
They are animal tracks, such as footprints.
Why was it impossible for the Shamans to answer to the god? (Out of Darkness)
Because the god had forgotten to give them a language.
How does Great Spirit name the new Continent?
Turtle Continent.
Why do scientists often make a replica of a fossil?
They make it to study the fossils and to keep the original fossils in a safe place.
What did the Great Spirit have in his pipe bag?
It held all the animals and birds of the world.
Who was Coyote-People_Moon in the Kiliwa Myth?
He was the God of magic and wisdom.
How was the "before world" according to the Lakota Creation Myth?
It had clear skies, broad plains, wide rivers and high mountains, but all the creation was off balance.
What do people called "Fossil Hunters" do?
They search for fossils for fun or as a hobby.
What does a Paleontologist do?
They study prehistoric plants and animals and investigate fossils.