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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Choose the correct word: The museum was very interesting/interestingly
Choose the correct word: The Great Pyramid was built very well/good.
Choose the correct word: The Taj Mahal is a very beautiful/beautifully building.
Choose the correct word: Turtles are very slow/slowly
Choose the correct word: I always do my homework careful/carefully
Choose the correct word: My mom always drives slow/slowly
too, enough or not enough: Are you old ... to see Captain America?
too, enough or not enough: There's ... time to visit the lighthouse. I'm sorry.
not enough
too, enough or not enough: The caves are ... small. We can't go it.
too, enough or not enough: We did ... have ... money to go to the castle.
We did not have enough money to go to the castle
too, enough or not enough: The restaurant was ... expensive, so we didn't go there.
Samsung is popular as Apple now.
Samsung is as popular as Apple now.
Russia is not beautiful as Canada.
Russia is not as beautiful as Canada.
Ho Chi Minh City is more bigger than Hanoi.
Ho Chi Minh City is bigger than Hanoi.
Correct the sentence: Paris is most beautiful city in the world.
Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.
Correct the sentence: The tomb was most interesting than the temple.
The tomb was more interesting than the temple.
Correct the sentence: The weather is gooder in Spain than in the UK.
The weather is better in Spain than in the UK.
Angkor Wat, Cambodia - What type of place is this?
a temple
Sydney, Australia - What type of place is this?
an opera house
Notre Dam, France - What type of place is this?
a cathedral
La Scala, Milan - What type of place is this?
an opera house
Dingle, Ireland - What type of place is this?
a coastline
Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, Hanoi - What type of place is this?
A mausoleum/tomb
Lascaux, France - What type of place is this?
Pompeii, Italy - What do you see?
Tower of Hercules, Spain- What type of place is this?
The Parthenon, Athens, Greece - What type of place is this?
ruins/ancient temple
The Marble ________, Chile
Neuschwanstein _____, Germany
Amazon, Brazil- What place is this?
a rainforest
Great Barrier ________ in Australia
Giza, Egypt- What are these?
Machu PIcchu, Peru. What type of place is this?
a ruin