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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the weather like today? What's your favourite weather? Do you like the weather in your country? Why/why not? Does the weather ever affect the way you feel? Does the weather in your country ever affect transportation?
How do you usually get to school? What's your favourite means of transport? Do you like public transport in your country? Why should people use public transport?
Do you often watch TV? What sort of things do you watch on TV? What's your favourite TV program? Do you think children should watch TV?
Do you like shopping? What's your favourite shop? Do you prefer shopping alone or with others? Do you think men and women have different opinins about shopping? How are they different?
Do you often read books or magazines? What your favourite kind of books? Do you ever read e-books? Do you think it's important to encourage children to read?
Do you have pets? Do you like animals? Do you prefer dogs to cats? Why do people have pets?
Do you read newspapers? What kind of news do you usually follow? Do you think international news is important? How do most people get the news in your country?
Do you like your neighbourhood? Are neighbours usually close to each other in your country? What is your neighbourhood like? How could your neighbourhood be improved?
When do you usually get up in the morning? Do you usually have the same routine every day? What is your daily routine? Is a daily routine important?
Do you often use a computer? How do you spend time online? What do you use your computer for? Do you think it is important to learn how to use a computer?
Are clothes important to you? Where do you usually buy your clothes? Have you ever worn a uniform? Describe it. Do most people in your country follow fashion?
Do you enjoy birthdays? How do you celebrate your birthdays? Can you remember a birthday you enjoyed? When were you born? Do most people celebrate their birthdays with a party in your country?
Are you good at art? Do you learn art at school? What kind of art do you like? Do you think teenagers can benefit from going to art galleries?