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Georgia Regions

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Moderate hills and flat areas.
Appalachian Plateau
Infertile soil with sparsely grown soybeans.
Appalachian Plateau
The only area to have Coal in Georgia.
Appalachian Plateau
Home of Dalton, Georgia the carpet capital of the world
Valley and Ridge
Has textile factories, carpet manufacturing and mining
Valley and Ridge
Cooler due to elevation; has ice and snow in winter and moderate summers
Valley and Ridge
Home of the first gold rush in Dahlonega, Georgia.
Blue Ridge
Timber is harvested here along with apples and corn.
Blue Ridge
Has more rain than other regions.
Blue Ridge
Hot and steamy summers with light snow in winter.
Cattle, hogs and chickens are raised here.
This region has very few freezes and has hot summers and cool winters.
Coastal Plain
This region has beaches that are a major tourist attraction.
Coastal Plain
Peanuts, peaches, cotton, onions and pecans are grown in this region.
Coastal Plain
Which region has ridges that look like mountains and wide valleys with fertile soil?
Valley and Ridge
What continent is Georgia located on?
North America
What nation is Georgia located in?
United States of America
What United States region is Georgia part of?
Southeast (will accept South as well)
What 2 hemispheres is Georgia located in?
Northern and Western
Which region is divided into inner and outer regions?
Coastal Plain
Which region has most of the major cities and the majority of Georgia's population?
Where is the Valley and Ridge region of Georgia located?
Northern Georgia between Appalachian Plateau and Blue Ridge
Which region is located in the far Northwestern corner of Georgia?
Appalachian Plateau
Which region is located in the Northeastern corner of Georgia?
Blue Ridge
Which region is located in the Southernmost part of Georgia?
Coastal Plain
Which region has mountains that reach over 4,500 feet above sea level?
Blue Ridge
Which region has rolling hills and shallow rivers?