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Telephone Quiz

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which of the following things can you find in the ‘yellow pages’? a) home phone numbers b) company phone numbers c) messages
b) company phone numbers
What can you do with a ‘text message’? Name an action
read it
Which of the following things can a ‘telemarketer’ do? a) make a long distance call b) ask you if you want to buy something c) help you find a phone number
b) ask you if you want to buy something
What do you do if your phone ‘rings’?
pick up the phone / answer
Which of the following things should you ‘recharge’? a) a mobile phone b) a prank call ll c) a missed call
a) a mobile phone
In which of the following places can you find a ‘phone booth’? a) in a phone book b) at home c) in an office d) outside
d) outside
Which of the following things does an ‘operator’ usually do? a) make telephone calls b) sell telephones c) help people make phone calls
c) help people make phone calls
What does it mean to be ‘on hold’?
to wait
When do most people ‘hang up’ the phone? a) before they make a phone call b) after they finish talking on the phone c) when they are talking on the phone
b) after they finish talking on the phone
Which of the following words best describes a ‘dial tone’? a) sound b) number c) person
a) sound
Which of the following things can a person ‘dial’? a)a phone line b)a phone call c)a phone number
c) a phone number
What do you do if you make a ‘collect call’? a) leave a message b) re-dial and call again c) ask someone to pay for the call
c) ask someone to pay for the call
Which of the following words best describes a ‘caller’? a)person b)place c)machine
a) person
What does it mean if someone says, “The line is busy?”
someone is using the phone