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The most important megalithic monuments were...
Menhir, dolmens and cromlech
What made the position of women weaker during the Metal Ages and why?
War, because only men fought. Taking control of the decision making away from women
In order to trade, which three inventions were very important?
The wheel, sailboats and maps
Surplus products were traded without money. This is called...
Bronze is the result of an alloy of...
copper and tin
Heating metals in order to shape them into different kinds of tools is called...
A very important new need was...
As food producers they became sedentary, living in...
The Neolithic started in...
the near East or Fertile Crescent
During the Neolithic people stopped being predators and became...
food producers
The Neolithic started when people learnt to...
cultivate the land and domesticate animals
What was the most important portable art they made?
Small female statues called 'Venus'
The most important cave paintings are in...
Altamira, Spain
Religion appeared when humans tried to find explanation...
for some phenomena they didn't understand
How did people organise themselves during the Paleolithic?
In tribes
During the Paleolithic people were hunter-gatherers. This means that they were...
All the current human beings are Homo...
Sapiens Sapiens
The very first hominid was the...
What is the opposable thumb?
The ability to press the thumb against the ohter fingers
What is bipedalism?
The upright position
Hominisation began with the first bipedal species in...
East Africa
Prehistory is divided in...
Paleolithic, Neolithic and Metal Ages
Prehistory began with the appareance of the first...
human beings