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Movers 2 ( test 1- LISTENING )

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where does Bill live ?
he lives in a toy store
What did Jill have for lunch ?
he ate soup and apple
What did Peter do yesterday ?
he played basketball
What did Vicky do on Friday ?
she went to the cinema
What did Vicky do on Wednesday ?
she was camping in the forest
What did Vicky do on Thursday ?
she watched TV
What did Vicky do on Tuesday ?
she was camping on the beach
What did Vicky do on Monday ?
she went to the beach
( part 3 ) What did Vicky do on Saturday ?
she went to the zoo
What sport he plays ?
table tennis
What he does at weekends ?
( goes to the ) cinema
How many days he work ?
Where he work ?
( in a ) library
How old is he ?
( part 2 ) Brother's name
Who is Sally ?
the girl in the blue dress who's playing badminton
Who is Paul ?
The boy who's climbing the tree
Who is Jim ?
The boy under the tree
Who is Peter ?
The boy kicking the ball
( part 1 ) Who is Jill ?
The girl in the long blue dress