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Young Achievers 5

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The average surface temperature on Venus is 780 ºC. True / False?
False, it's 480 ºC
The diameter of Mercury is 4,879 km. True/False?
Saturn has got 53 moons. True/ False?
A living thing that does not originate from planet Earth is called an ______.
alien / extra terrestrial
A group of large rocks flying through space very fast is called a _____________ .
meteor shower
How do you say this number? 3,000,000,000
three billion
How do you say this number? 300,894
three hundred thousand, eight hundred and ninety-four.
It takes this planet about 84 years to orbit once around the Sun. What's its name?
The most famous feature on this planet is the 'Great Red Spot' which is actually a storm that has been blowing for about 350 years, or longer! What is its name?
All the planets were named after Roman and Greek gods and goddesses, except this one. Its name just means 'ground'.
The Earth
Which planet is named after the Roman goddess of beauty?
__________ is the fastest planet! It speeds through space at 50 km per second.
How many planets are there in the solar system?
8 - Pluto isn't a planet, it's a moon!
The two largest planets in the solar system are ______ and _______ .
Jupiter and Saturn
The two coldest planets in the solar system are ____ and _____ .
Uranus and Neptune
The sun is not a planet it's a _____.
Some people believe that one day humans will live on _____ .
There is gravity in space. True / false?
The International Space Station (ISS) travels around the Earth 15 times a day and 27,000 km per hour. Is it... A) a hotel for astronauts B) a laboratory and home for astronauts C) an office for astronauts
B) a laboratory and home for astronauts
How do you say this number? 6,000,953
six million, nine hundred and fifty three
How do you say this number? 347
three hundred and forty seven
How do you say this number? 40,008
forty thousand and eight.
This planet is very big and it's unique because it's got rings around it.
The hottest planet is ______.
Neptune is the second largest planet. True/False?