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On the Farm

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the cat doing?
It is sleeping
How many chickens are there?
There are six chikens
Is there any donkey in the picture?
No, there isn't
What is she doing?
She is collecting the honey
What is she doing?
She is milking the cow
What is he doing?
He is collecting the eggs
What is he doing?
He is cleaning the stable
What is he doing?
He is feeding the chickens
What is he doing?
He is moving the sheep
Cheese is made of... that comes from...
milk/ cows
A product that comes from milk and you put on your toast
A black and yellow insect
Milk comes from...
What do bees make?
Yoghurt is made of...
A chicken gives us...
What is this place?
It's a yard
Where do the vegetables and fruits grow?
In the fields
Where do the horses sleep?
They sleep in the stable
Unscramble the letters: ARITBB
What is it?
It's a goat
What is it?
It's a sheep
Unscramble the letters: ESOOG
What is it?
It's a duck
Unscramble the letters: OOSTRRE
What is it?
It's a chick
What is it?
It's a chicken
What is it?
It's a donkey
What is it?
It's a horse
What is it?
It's a pig
What is it?
It's a cow