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Trivia - General Knowledge

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the most important sports event in the world happening this year?
The Olympics in Tokyo
How many times has Brazil won the Fifa World Cup?
5 times
If Superman hadn't been sent to Earth, he would have ___________.
Died. His planet and his people all died.
If you don't have siblings (brothers or sisters) then you are an ________.
only child
You were born in 1983. How old would you be if you got to live to 2059?
76 years old
How old is your teacher?
What's the 10th letter of the alphabet? (English alphabet
How many letters are there in the word (your teacher will say the word)
Comfortable: 11
What instrument does Lisa Simpson play?
The saxophone
What's the name The Simpsons come from?
Who's the oldest Avenger superhero?
Where does Thor come from?
What superhero gains his powers from a ring?
Green Lantern
What superhero carries an indestructible shield?
Captain America
What do you use to open a bottle of wine? (to take a cork out of the bottle)
What's the name of that big famous clock in London?
The Big Ben
Who was the first man on the moon?
Neil Armstrong
What year did Columbus arrive in the Americas?
How many departments does Colombia have?
Where are Panama hats originally from?
In what ocean do you find Hawaii?
The Pacific
What's the highest mountain in the world?
Which river goes thru London?
What's the capital city of Honduras?
What's the capital city of Kenya?
Name three of the Beatles
Ringo Starr, John Lenon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison
Who said, "I think, therefore I am"?
What was the name of Don Quijote's horse?
What Spanish artist said he would eat his wife when she died?
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Leonardo DaVinci