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Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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liked / personally / have / books / I / never / her
Peronally, I have never liked her books.
experiment / their / went / surprisingly / well / really
Surprisingly, their experiment went really well.
take / never / she / what / says / seriously / should / you
You should never take what she says seriously.
he / really / is / in / maths / doing / well
He is doing really well in maths.
pass / I / hopefully / all / this / exams / year / my / will
Hopefully, I will pass all my exams this year.
Laura / all / busy / extremely / been / has / day
Laura has been extremely busy all day.
often / home / she / goes / early / Fridays / on
She often goes home early on Fridays.
quietly / slept / the / night / all / baby /
The baby slept quietly all night.
safely / they / arrived / this / home / morning
They arrived home safely this morning.
extremely / hard / wind / blowing / is / the / today
The wind is blowing extremely hard today.
very much / didn’t / it / rain / yesterday / luckily
Luckily, it didn't rain very much yesterday.
never / eats / she / surprisingly / fruit
Surprisingly, she never eats fruit.
girlfriend’s / brother / forgot / nearly / his / my / birthday
My brother nearly forgot his girlfriend's birthday.
last / he / car / crashed / unfortunately / his / week / new
Unfortunately, he crashed his new car last week.
early / ideally / should / tomorrow / leave / we
Ideally, we should leave early tomorrow.
gets up / immediately / his / rings / usually / he / alarm / when
He usually gets up immediately when his alarm rings.
eats / my / unhealthily / very / brother
My brother eats very unhealthily.
is / James / apparently / divorced / getting
Apparently, James is getting divorced.
at / police / immediately / bank / arrived / the / the
The police arrived at the bank immediately.
we / umbrella / an / had / luckily / taken
Luckily, we had taken an umbrella.
boy / rude / teacher / was / to / the / extremely / his
The boy was extremely rude to his teacher.
parents / next / are / his / retiring / year
His parents are retiring next year.
ill / hardly / daughter / is / my / ever
My daughter is hardly ever ill.
tall / son / incredibly / has / your / grown
Your son has grown incredibly tall.