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Easter Fun

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The Easter bunny carries eggs in a ________.
Say three sentences about the picture. Use 'There is' and 'There are'
There are two butterflies. There are three chicks. There is one Easter basket.
Where is the Easter bunny?
The Easter bunny is in front of the basket.
What is it?
It's an Easter egg hunt
What is it?
It's a chick
What is it?
It's an Easter bunny
What month is Easter in?
It's in April
What season is Easter in?
It's in Spring
What is it?
It's a lamb
How many Easter eggs can you see?
Fifteen Easter eggs
Where is the Easter egg?
The Easter egg is on the chair.
Where is the snail?
The snail is behind the flower.
Say four sentences about the picture using 'There is' and 'There are'.
There is a boy. There is a girl. There is a sun. There is a ladybird. There are six butterflies. There are seven flowers.
Where is the rabbit?
The rabbit is between the flowers.
Where is the Easter egg?
The Easter egg is under the tree.
What is the rabbit wearing?
The rabbit is wearing glasses and a scarf.
They are made of chocolate and we eat them at Easter.
Easter eggs
Say three sentences about the picture using 'There is' and 'There are'.
There are two rabbits. There are two carrots. There is a tree. There is a bird. There is an Easter egg.
Say two sentences about the picture using 'There is' and 'There are'.
There is a rabbit. There are five Easter eggs.
How many Easter eggs are there?
There are six Easter eggs.
What is in fourth place?
Where is the basket?
The basket is behind the Easter egg.
Where is the rabbit?
The rabbit is behind the Easter egg.
Where is the rabbit?
The rabbit is in the Easter egg.