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Verb or Adjective?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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feel [느끼다]
verb [동사]
ask [물어보다]
verb [동사]
find [찾다]
verb [동사]
use [사용하다, 쓰다]
verb [동사]
give [주다]
verb [동사]
want [원하다]
verb [동사]
think [생각하다]
verb [동사]
come [오다]
verb [동사]
see [보다]
verb [동사]
know [알다]
verb [동사]
go [가다]
verb [동사]
make [만들다]
verb [동사]
get [받다, 얻다, 이해하다]
verb [동사]
say [말하다]
verb [동사]
early [일찍]
adjective [형요사]
few [적다]
adjective [형요사]
many [많다]
adjective [형요사]
important [중요하다]
adjective [형요사]
different [다르다]
adjective [형요사]
high [높다]
adjective [형요사]
right [맏다, 옳바르다]
adjective [형요사]
little [작다]
adjective [형요사]
great [아주 좋다, 대단하다, 크다]
adjective [형요사]
long [길다]
adjective [형요사]
last [마지막]
adjective [형용사]