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Name 3 things!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 food from around the world!
Pizza - Italy, sushi - Japan, kimchi - Korea, chả giò - Vietnam, Hamburger - America, ...
Name 3 hobbies!
playing piano, swimming, running, doing homework, listening to music, ...
Name 3 movies you like!
Super Wings, Harry Porter, The Little Dinosaur, Brave, Minions, ...
Name 3 books you like!
Harry Porter, Doraemon, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, The Little Prince, ...
Name 3 things on your school bag!
books, pens, water bottle, pencil case, rubber, ruller, binder, ...
Name 3 vegetables!
mushroom, potato, cauliflower, cucumber, broccoli, green pepper, ...
Name 3 fruit!
grapes, watermelon, banana, plum, peach, melon, ...
Name 3 kinds of bird!
tucan, eagle, peacock, goose, turkey, flamingo, sparrow, crow
3 animals that are dangerous!
tiger, anconda, lion, crocodile, black manba, rhino, jaguar, ...
3 animals that eat plants!
goat, cow, rabbit, sheep, koala, panda, ...
Name 3 things start with letter A!
Apple, Alley, Afternoon, Alligator, Arm, Ask, Art, ...
Name 3 games you like!
Go go stop, Monster Finger, Crocodile, what do you want?, Circle chair, Bomb game,...
Name 3 subjects at school!
Maths, Science, Music, Art, Language, Literature, ...
Name 3 transportation!
car, air-plane, bicycle, motor bike, boat, train, bus, ...
Name 3 countries!
Korea, China, Japan, England, America, Canada, ...
Name 3 body parts!
ears, month, arms, legs, hip, fingers, ...
Name 3 body parts!
ears, moth, arms, legs, hip, fingers, ...
Name 3 colors!
black, blue, yellow, pink, green, ...
Name 3 clothes!
shirt, dress, jacket, T-shirt, shorts, trousers, ...
Name 3 clothes!
shirt, dress, jacket, T-shirt, shorts, trousers, ...
Name 3 things can fly!
clouds, birds, air-plane, kite, rocket, ...
Name 3 animals underwater!
shark, starfish, whale, coral, octopus, squid, ...
Name 3 food you like!
Chicken, ice-cream, steak, spaghetti, pizza, ...
Name 3 jobs!
doctor, fire-fighter, teacher, zoo keeper, pilot, ...
Name 3 friends of yours!
Rosy, Vivian, Tristin, Kevin, Jason, Daisy, ...
Name 3 sports!
basketball, swimming, soccer, tennis, badminton,...