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Warm up G10I1 w3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Present simple or Present continuous: It's not true. I ________ (believe) it.
don't believe
Present simple or Present continuous: Nicola ________ (live) in Manchester. She has never lived anywhere else.
Present simple or Present continuous: I've never heard this word. How _______ you ________ (pronounce) it?
do/ pronounce
Present simple or Present continuous: Julia is good at languages. She _________ (speak) four languages very well.
Present simple or Present continuous: Oh no, not again! I always _______ (make) the same mistake.
am always making
Present simple or Present continuous: Not again! You always _______ (lose) your keys.
are always losing (complain)
Present simple or Present continuous: Nicky ________ (think) of giving up her job.
is thinking (consider)
Present simple or Present continuous: I ______ (think) Mary is Canadian, but I'm not sure.
think (believe/ have an opinion)
Present simple or Present continuous: Don't put the dictionary away. I ___________ (need) it.
Present simple or Present continuous: Don't put the dictionary away. I ___________ (use) it.
am using
Present simple or Present continuous: Who is that man? Why ____ he ______ (look) at us?
is/ looking
Present simple or Present continuous: Who is that man? What _____ he _____ (want)?
does/ want
Present simple or Present continuous: Are you ready yet? Everybody __________ (wait) for you.
is waiting
Present simple or Present continuous: I always _______ (get) hungry in the afternoon.
Present simple or Present continuous: I _________ (get) hungry. Let's go and eat.
am getting
Present simple or Present continuous: The water _________ (boil). Be careful.
is boiling
Present simple or Present continuous: Water ________ (boil) at 100 degree Celsius.
Present simple or Present continuous: Andrew started evening classes recently. He ______ (learn) Japanese.
is learning
Present simple or Present continuous: The situation is already very bad and now it _____ (get) worse.
is getting
Present simple or Present continuous: Please don't make so much noise. I ______ (try) to work.
am trying
Present simple or Present continuous: The Olympic Games _________ (take) place every four years.
Present simple or Present continuous: The museum _________ (close) at 4 o'clock on Sundays.
Present simple or Present continuous: Ben and Jack ________ (go) to the same school.