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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The person that makes sure our schools are clean and well taken care of is...Custodian....Teacher....Principal
In order to protect our environment we should do what with our garbage? Throw it on our yard....Litter...recycle
The person that will ring up my food and tell me how much I owe is called the ....Cashier....the bank teller...the school bus driver
Cashier (this can be at any store)
If I want to borrow a book or a movie I get can do this at a Book store....The Library....The Mall
The Library
If I need to bring my dog or cat to the doctor, I should bring them to the.... Pediatrician.....The School Nurse.....Veterinarian
Where should you call if you want to order a pizza? Bank....Pizza place .....Library
Pizza place
If you do not feel good at school who should you tell?
My teachers and the nurse
Should you walk away from your parent in a store, even if you see something that looks very exciting?
NO! You should always stay with the adult that you came with. You do not want to get lost.
If someone you do not know offers to give you yummy candy should you take it?
NO! you need to always tell your mom, dad or big sister or big brother. Never take anything from a stranger.
If you see a dog while you are walking, should you go over and pet it?
NO! You should ask the owner if it is ok before you pet a strange dog.
If you are out of bread and milk where should you go get more?
The grocery store (Shoprite, Stop and Shop)
If you are home and someone rings the doorbell or knocks on the door should you answer it?
Nope! You have your parent or big sister or brother answer it.
This is the place you go if your hair has gotten to long?
Barbershop or Hair salon