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AP5 Grammar Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Yes, I'm watching TV.
Are you watching TV?
No, I'm not reading a book.
Are you reading a book?
(Is/Are) the neighbors having a party?
Are the neighbors having a party?
(Was/Were) you scared?
Were you scared?
The children (aren't/wasn't/weren't) sleeping when their dad came home.
The children weren't sleeping when their dad came home.
Jason (will/was/will be) an astronaut in five years.
Jason will be an astronaut in five years.
Anna (wasn't/isn't/aren't) speaking now.
Anna isn't speaking now.
The children (are/was/were) sharing their toys now.
The children are sharing their toys now.
Jonathan (is/are/was) sick yesterday.
Jonathan was sick yesterday.
_____ are you doing tomorrow night?
What are you doing tomorrow night?
The concert will start _____ five minutes.
The concert will start in five minutes.
The children are playing _____ the park.
The children are playing at the park.
_____ is the final test?
When is the final test?
The movie starts _____ 8 p.m.
The movie starts at 8 p.m.
Linda's birthday is _____ May 28.
Linda's birthday is on May 28.
The friendly host greeted the guests (warm).
The friendly host greeted the guests warmly.
Jamie is studying (hard) for the final test.
Jamie is studying hard for the final test.
Dennis can sing (good).
Dennis can sing well.
He carried the box (careful) because there was glass inside.
He carried the box carefully because there was glass inside.
She spoke (polite) to her grandmother.
She spoke politely to her grandmother.
It's been raining a lot (late).
It's been raining a lot lately.
No, I am not coming.
Are you coming?
Ethan is painting a picture now.
What is Ethan doing now?
Yes, I am reading a book.
Are you reading a book?