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Who, What, Where, When, Why, Whose, Which, & How ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We often think of our future. (Which/Where/What)
What do we often think of?
The book is for my friend Carla. (Who/Where/When)
Who is the book for?
Her mother is sick. (How/Where/When)
How is her mother?
Miguel works hard. (How/Where/When)
How does Mike work?
He is drinking milk. (How/What/When)
What is he drinking?
It's Peter's bike. (How/Where/Whose)
Whose bike is it?
My name is Slim Shady. (How/What/When)
What's your name?
The keys are in the car. (How/Where/When)
Where are the keys?
I got vaccinated last Friday. (How/When/Whose)
When did you get vaccinated?
That's Lorena's mask. (How/Whose/When)
Whose mask is it?
Magdalena has a meeting about her son's poor grades. (How/Why/Which)
Why does Magdalena have a meeting?
Anna arrives at 10:30 am. (How/Where/When)
When does Anna arrive?
Adriana washes her hands to prevent catching Covid-19. (Why/Which/When)
Why does Adriana wash her hands?
She wakes up early. (Why/Where/When)
When does she wake up?
They go to the movies. (How/Where/When)
Where do they go to?
They are voting in September. (How/Where/When)
When are they Voting?
He can speak Spanish. (What/Where/When)
What can he speak?
She's studying English. (How/Where/What)
What is she studying?
They are from Vietnam. (How/Where/When)
Where are they from?
It's the blue car. (How/Which/When)
Which one is it?
It's for you. (How/Where/Who)
Who is it for?
It's her dog. (Whose/Where/When)
Whose dog is it?
It's on Tuesday. (How/Where/When)
When is it?
It's in India. (How/Where/When)
Where is it?
It's a virus. (How/Where/What)
What is it?
It belongs to our teacher. (How/Whose/Who)
Whose is it?