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Regular verbs and Irregular verbs - past simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She ____ to the park in the afternoon (go)
She went to the park in the afternoon
I _____ a marvelous day. (Have)
I had a marvelous day.
I ____ a light on you. (See)
I saw a light on you.
Helena ____ sushi last month. (Eat)
Helena ate sushi last month.
Guess what? Last year I ____ 30 books. (Read)
Guess what? Last year I read 30 books.
I know she _____ a new car. (Buy)
I know she bought a new car.
She _____ her breakfast today. (Make)
She made her breakfast today.
He ______ her heart when he broke up with her. (Hurt)
He hurt her heart when he broke up with her.
The cellphone ______ in the morning (ring)
The cellphone rang in the morning
Caio didn’t _____ his parents last week. (Visit)
Caio didn’t visit his parents last week.
Ana and Fernanda didn’t ______ on Friday. (Work)
Ana and Fernanda didn’t work on Friday.
They didn’t ______ songs on Saturday. (Sing)
They didn’t sing songs on Saturday.
She _______ soda on Friday (drink)
She drank soda on Friday
He _________ in the morning. (exercise)
He exercised in the morning.
The past of “stay” is “stayed”. True or false?
It’s True.
Yesterday I ___________ Tv (watch)
Yesterday I watched Tv
What is the past of “study”
It’s studied
What’s the past of “play”
It’s Played