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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are they doing?
Riding a rollercoaster.
What is he doing?
What is the boy doing?
Flying a kite.
What is the boy doing?
What are they doing?
Watching fireworks.
What is the boy doing?
Making/selling lemonade.
What is the dog doing?
Digging at the beach.
What are they doing?
Building a sandcastle.
What are the seagulls doing?
What is Garfield doing?
Roasting marshmallows.
What is Spongebob doing?
Playing the guitar.
What are the butterflies doing?
They are flying.
What is the girl doing?
Catching lightning bugs.
What is the girl doing?
Blowing bubbles.
What are the people doing?
Watching the sunset.
What are the kids doing?
Playing with a beach ball.
What is the baby doing?
Eating icecream.
What is the dog doing?
Jumping on a trampoline.
What is the dog doing?
What is the girl doing?
Swimming in the pool.
What is the boy doing?
Falling in the pool.
What is the girl doing?
Jumping in the pool.
What are the people doing?
Walking on the beach.
What are the boys doing?
Playing tag.
What is the boy doing?
Riding a bike!