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Imperialism Review

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Empress Cixi of China, Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia, and Queen Victoria of England all had what type of government?
The ___________ is the policy proposed by the U.S., giving all nations equal opportunities to trade in China (even though many Chinese were against it).
Open Door Policy
What was the name of one of the Indian rebellions against British colonial rule?
The Sepoy Mutiny
Which colony did the British call the "Jewel in the Crown"?
Why did Russia and Britain want to gain a sphere of influence Middle Eastern countries like Persia, Afghanistan, and the Ottoman Empire?
-To gain access to trade in India/Asia -To gain access to natural resources like oil
___________ is the interest in or taking of land for its location or products.
True or false: The Ottoman Empire weakened and split apart as a result of nationalist movements and government corruption.
True or false: The British wanted to infiltrate China with opium, but they weren’t able to.
True or false: Millions of Chinese people became addicted to British-imported opium, which weakened China politically AND economically.
True or false: China blocked out foreign countries at first, but it eventually became economically dependent on foreign countries in the late 1800s.
A _________________ is a way for a powerful nation to indirectly control a foreign country through the economy.
Sphere of influence
What was the name of the battle in which Ethiopia defeated Italy?
Battle of Adwa
Name one of the natural resources found in Africa.
Gold Rubber Oil Diamonds Cotton Coffee/Tea
______________ is the racist "science" that attempted to show that the white race was superior to others, and has since been disproved.
Social Darwinism
___________ used nationalism to unite Germany and start Germany's imperialism of Africa.
Otto von Bismarck
Who was the Ethiopian empress who fought against imperialism, often behind the scenes? (From your HW)
Taytu Betul
Who was leader of the successful Ethiopian army in their fight against Italian imperialism?
Menelik II
What was ONE of the reasons why Europeans had (mostly) not colonized Africa prior to the late 1800s?
-strong African armies -an intimidating environment -diseases that Europeans were not immune to
What are the 4 reasons for imperialism?
1) Money 2) Nationalism (National Pride) 3) Racism (Social Darwinism) 4) Spread of Christianity
______________ is domination/control by one country of the political, economic, and/or social life of another country or region.
Who is the main character in Things Fall Apart?
How many countries are there in Africa today?
Germany, Belgium, Britain, France, Italy, and more participated in the ___________________, in which they grabbed up African colonies for their natural resources.
Scramble for Africa
____________ is the country where Things Fall Apart takes place.
Nigeria / Igbo
____________ is the agreement that Europeans made among themselves to claim and imperialize African lands without African consent.
Berlin Conference
_____________ is the growth of cities.
During the ______________, new technology was developed and cities grew throughout the Western world.
Industrial Revolution
_____________ was the leader of the revolution against Spanish colonization in Venezuela.
Simon Bolivar
___________ was the first Black Republic to win the battle against a European power.
Who was the leader of the rebellion against colonization in Haiti?
Toussaint L'Ouverture