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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ____________ drink coffee, but now I drink it every day.
didn't use to
We ____________ live in the USA, but now we live in Poland.
used to live
How / you / spend your free time when you were 10?
How did you use to spend your free time when you were 10?
What you / have for breakfast when you were a child?
What did you you to have for breakfast when you were a child?
your parents / use mobile phones?
Did your parents use to use mobile phones?
We __________________ live together, but now we do.
didn't use to
I ___________________ have long hair, but now it's short.
used to
people / watch TV 100 years ago?
Did people use to watch TV 100 years ago?
you / like shrimps when you were younger?
Did you use to like when you were younger?
I _______________ know how to use a computer, but I do now
dodn't use to
I _______________ be afraid of flying, but I’m not anymore.
used to
I _______________ be worried about the environment, but I am now
didn't use to
I _______________ enjoy getting up early, but I do now.
didn't use to
I _______________ collect stamps, but I don’t any more
used to
I _______________ ride a bike, but I don’t any more.
used to
I _______________ play the guitar, but I do now.
didn't use to