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A3 unscramble and finish the sentence

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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firefighters / they / are ?
are they firefighters ?
are/ drivers / they / bus ?
are they bus drivers ?
they / players/ are/ soccer ?
are they soccer players ?
they / officer/ police / are ?
are they police officer ?
pilot/ a/ he/ is . he / cook / a / isn't
he is a pilot. he isn't a cook
student/ a/ he / is . teacher / a / isn't / he
he is a student . he isn't a teacher
is / a / teacher/ he . isn't / student / a / he
he is a teacher. he isn't a student
she / nurse/a/ is . doctor/a / isn't / she
she is a nurse, she isn't a doctor
is/ he / doctor/ a . isn't / nurse / a / he
he is a doctor , he isn't a nurse
touch / she / can / what ?
what can she touch ?
taste / what / can / he ?
what can he taste ?
smell/ she/ can / what ?
what can she smell ?
can / he / what / hear ?
what can he hear?
can / what / see / he ?
what can he see ?
bored / she / is ?
is she bored ?
isn't / he / excited
he isn't excited
she / tired / isn't ?
she isn't tired
i / sick/ am
I am sick
you / hungry / are ?
are you hungry?
he / thirsty/ is
he is thirsty
she / cold / is
she is cpld
is / sad/ he ?
is he sad ?
i / not / am / hot
i am not hot
happy / am / I
I am happy