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Focus Standard for Summer 2021

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can styrofoam be recycled?
What is a non renewable natural resource?
Answers will vary.
What is a renewable natural resource?
Answers will vary.
When brushing your teeth what is an important way to conserve water?
Turn the water off.
What color is the recycling bin?
How is gasoline used?
In a car
Name 2 things that can be recycled.
Answer will vary.
Name one thing you can do to clean up the Earth?
answer will vary
What is pollution?
Making something dirty.
Name a natural resource.
Answer will vary.
Is gasoline a renewable resource or non renewable?
non renewable
Who is the person at the beach or pool who saves people from drowning?
Life Guard
Name 3 water safety rules.
Answers will vary.
What is a porkchop made of?
What would happen if ONLY insects lived on Earth?
All the plants would die and then the insects would die.
If no one ever mows your grass what happens?
Overgrown with plant life EVERYWHERE!
If there were no animals on Earth what could people eat?
Plants, insects, etc.
What do worms eat?
soil, dirt, etc.
What do grasshoppers eat?
Where does grass get energy?
The Sun
What kinds of things do large birds eat?
Insects, small birds, seeds, squirrels, mice, rats, etc.
What would a snake eat?
Insects, mice, small animals, eggs, etc.
What eats snakes?
Large birds or other snakes
What would eat a mouse?
Cat, Owl, Snakes
What plant or animal would a mouse eat? NOT CHEESE!!!
grasshopper, insects, seeds, animal food, trash
What is the food chain?
Order in which living things eat.
All living things need 3 things to survive.
Food, Water, Air
What kinds of things do you feed plants?
fertilizer, compost, water
If you eat one a day what keeps the doctor away?
What is a good thing to feed a cow?
What is a good thing to feed a horse?
Apple, carrot, hay, oats...
Animals eat this for energy?
Food, plants, meat, animals, insects, etc.
Plants make their own food for what reason?
What are somethings people eat for energy?
Food and my Vary
What do people need for energy?
Name 3 meats you eat.
Name 3 vegetables you eat.
Name 3 fruits that you eat.
Do plants make their own food?
What's it called when plants make their own foods?
Name two plants that make their own foods.