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Employment or Work Idioms, Expressions, & Saying ...

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Blue-collar jobs are usually office jobs. (Yes/No)
No. Blue collar jobs are often in factories or are jobs like plumbers or repairmen.
Freelance work is when you work for free. (Yes/No)
No. It's when you work for yourself, and sell your consulting or other work to others.
Going the extra mile means going above what is expected. (Yes/No)
Buckling down means you are being lazy. (Yes/No)
No. It means you are working hard.
To pull your own weight means you are not doing your share of the work. (Yes/No)
No. It means you are doing your share of the work.
To be backlogged means to be behind in your work. (Yes/No)
To get raked over the coals means to be criticized or yelled at. (Yes/No)
If you do back-breaking work it means you are a white-collar worker. (Yes/No)
No. White-collar jobs are office jobs. Back-breaking means physically difficult.
In a win-win situation, one side gains more than the other. (Yes/No)
If you fall asleep behind the wheel, you fail to perform your work duties. (Yes/No)
If a company tests the waters it means they want to find out how well their new product will do on the market. (Yes/No)
If you are a clock watcher you are very punctual. (Yes/No)
Yes and No. It means that you leave on time. But punctual usually means that you arrive on time. A clock watcher can't wait until it's time to leave
To crunch the numbers means to do some calculations. (Yes/No)
If you have a lot on your plate it means you're busy and have got lots of things to deal with. (Yes/No)
When your boss calls you on the carpet he/she invites you for lunch. (Yes/No)
No. It means they criticize you.
To think outside the box means you think in a different, unconventional way. (Yes/No)
To get the boot means you receive a nice pair of boots. (Yes/No)
No. It means to get fired or kicked out.
To do donkey work means you do hard and boring work. (Yes/No)
To put something on ice means to postpone something for a later date. (Yes/No)
If you have a slave driver boss you have a very demanding and strict boss who makes you very work. (Yes/No)
To work for peanuts means to work for very little money. (Yes/No)
To put something on the back burner means to cook something later. (Yes/No)
No. It means to postpone until a later time or lower the importance of completing it soon.
To work like a dog means to work very slowly. (Yes/No)
No. It means to work hard.
A whistleblower is a person who reveals confidential information when an organization is doing something bad.. (Yes/No)
To see eye to eye means to meet someone in person. (yes/no)
No. It means to agree with someone.