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English Class A2 unit 5

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Nie powinieneś jeść słodyczy.
You shoudn't eat sweets.
Musisz wypić herbatę z cytryną i miodem.
You have to drink tea with lemon and honey.
Musisz iść do dentysty.
You have to go to the dentist.
Powinienieś iść na basen.
You should go to the swimming pool.
Powinieneś pić dużo wody.
You should drink a lot of water.
Gdzie musisz dzisiaj iść?
Where do you have to go today?
Mama nie musi pracować w soboty.
Mum doesn't have to work on Saturdays.
Muszę iść do łóżka.
I have to go to bed.
Do intelligent animals have a big brain / blood?
The hearts / bones in your legs and arms are the longest in your body.
Moja siostra ma katar i kaszel.
My sister has got a runny nose and a cough.
Ona ma zapalenie gardła.
She's got a sore throat.
On ma wysokÄ… gorÄ…czkÄ™.
He's got high temperature.
Czy masz grypÄ™?
Have you got the flu?
This part of your body is in your head. You think with it.
This is red and it goes all over in your body.
This is a very important part of your body. It beats all the time.
You can’t stand without these. They’re strong and white.
Millie has a ..... on her hand. She got some very hot water on it.
Sam got a ..... when he was cutting some paper.
Fred has got a big black and blue ..... on his leg. He bumped into a table.
Andy has got a ..... arm. He can’t write and he can’t play tennis.
I've got a ...
mosquito bite.
When you have a headache, you can take a ...
painkiller / pill.
He's got big ...
She's got a...
He is ...
I've got ...
a headache
I've got ...
a toothache
I've got ...
stomach ache
I've got ...
runny nose
I ..... (help) my parents with the housework.
have to
..... they ..... study for the test today?
Do ... have to ...
Jim has a music exam next week. He ..... (practise) the piano. +
has to
Relax! You ..... (work) so hard. X
don't have to